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Exeter & Torbay | Sports Leagues
Ten-Pin Bowling League
We have started a ten-pin bowling league for the Exeter & Torbay area. The competitor who has the highest score for the year will be the winner. Play 6 games per year and the overall winner receives a trophy at an awards dinner.
The season runs from October to March. There are three venues available to choose from; Exeter, Exmouth & Torbay - the price of each game is refunded by the Treasurer. Please ensure that you are also emailing Debbie Jones your scores each month so these can be recorded.
We have a created a Facebook group for bowling so that like-minded people can meet up to play.
Mini Golf League
We also have a CSSC members mini golf league covering five venues from April to October. They are Pirates Bay Adventure Golf, Paignton; Jungle Journey Adventure Golf, Torquay; Jurrasic Adventure Golf, Teignmouth; Safari Adventure Golf, Dawlish & Pirates Cove Adventure Golf, Dawlish Warren - the price of each game is refunded by the Treasurer.
The competitor who has the fewest strokes for that year will be the winner.
We have created a Facebook group for mini golf, so that like-minded people can meet up and play.
For more details for both please contact Debbie Jones at comms.exebay@csscvolunteer.co.uk.